Re: TI-H: what should i buy?


Re: TI-H: what should i buy?

Get the 86. More memory, TI-85 emulation shell, should run nearly 
anything for the 85, and is WAY cheaper than a TI-92. Also it's more 
convenient. It actualy fit's in a larger sized pocket, unlike the TI-92. 
(although if you like doing TI-BASIC, like I do, then the TI-92 will 
leave EVERY other TI in the dust!). ASM also rules on the TI-92, but i'd 
go with the TI-86, since most TI-85 stuff can be used with it.

>I've saved up enough money to buy myself one calculator.   I have an 
82.  I
>want something I can make cool stuff for.  Of course the logical choice 
is the
>85 because everybody uses it and everybody makes drivers for it.  I 
also saw
>the 86 which is generally a souped up 85.  Do 85 drivers and shells 
work on
>the 86?  Are any drivers for good projects coming out for any other
>calculators  (82, 92)?  Should I just wait and get a 92?  I also need
>something that I will need for school in the future.

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