Re: TI-H: CryoCalc :)
Re: TI-H: CryoCalc :)
I wouldn't be too worried about them exploding. The only prob is when
batteries get cold, they loose voltage until thier warmed up. You could
possibly take the batteries out when you weren't
Jeff Rapp
-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Martis <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, January 21, 1998 7:58 PM
Subject: TI-H: CryoCalc :)
>Just for kicks, I wonder what world happen if you froze your calculator
>and ran it? I've herd of computers with a special frezer that frezes the
>CPU and other chips that get hot to boost the Mhz..well they got the
>Alpha server to run at 767Mhz (??or 656?)...and a P2 300 at 400Mhz. The
>only worry I have is the battery...will it explode under frezing
> (The place where it all happens)
> -------JOE MARTIS-------
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