1. IR Link
I have found a good set of IR link plans by Tom Wong. He used them to connect his HP48 to his computer. It is a an IR to RS232 and back again design. If I can convert the TI-Output to RS232 I can build one more (already built one) and have them communicate. Maybe we could use it to connect up a serial printer (Imagewriter II, etc.), also Tom said that he got his 14.4 modem working w/ his HP over th IR link.
2. TI Pager
How about an in-house pager/wireless commnuications system which will notify you of mail or of a complete download. Let's say you are watching TV but you don't know if your download is done, just take your TI w/ you and it will "beep" you when a ceratin event happens. I am thinking small AM radio link or maybe UHF/VHF, or shortwave. After that, then we can start actually viewing the messages of the calc, Wirerlessly.
Michael Katz-Hyman
-- Linux 2.0.32