Re: TI-H: Why expander? Why compress? Use a FDD!
Re: TI-H: Why expander? Why compress? Use a FDD!
You forgot to add that if you plug in a PC SCSI or IDE hard drive to your
computer the macintosh will let you use it like any other hard drive. You
can even copy and run macintosh programs off of the PC disk.
>Not that this is related to TI-Hardware in anyway, but the MacOS has come
>with the software necessary to access PC disks for quite some time now...
> in 8.1, we can even access VFAT and FAT-32 disks. And the software
>isn't something you have to think about loading and running.. a PC disk
>looks just like a Mac disk to the average user.
>Just my 2 cents...
>Maintainer of the TI-8x Emulation Project:
Grant Stockly
AppleCyber -