Re: TI-H: Why expander? Why compress? Use a FDD!
Re: TI-H: Why expander? Why compress? Use a FDD!
>Larry Said:
>>Actually, All modern era Macs use the PC standard for
>>1.4MB , and possibly 720K, 3.5"FDD's We could use >the
>existing standard OTHERWISE you would have to >manually put
>games on disk from the calc! Not a fun >thing to do for
>200+ games. You could load them on >your disk from the PC.
>>~Larry C
>That's not true. PC's use Fat 16, 32, or NTFS. Macs use the
>Mac file system. They use the same disks but are not
>compatable without special programs.
Not that this is related to TI-Hardware in anyway, but the MacOS has come
with the software necessary to access PC disks for quite some time now...
in 8.1, we can even access VFAT and FAT-32 disks. And the software
isn't something you have to think about loading and running.. a PC disk
looks just like a Mac disk to the average user.
Just my 2 cents...
Maintainer of the TI-8x Emulation Project: