TI-H: "Jeff Hunt" <dk_rat@hotmail.com>: Cool little microcontrollers
TI-H: "Jeff Hunt" <dk_rat@hotmail.com>: Cool little microcontrollers
I saw this on another list and thought you guys might be interested.
I don't have any more info than what's below.
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From: "Jeff Hunt" <dk_rat@hotmail.com>
To: linux-8086@vger.rutgers.edu
Subject: Cool little microcontrollers
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 16:38:55 PST
Message-ID: <19980120003855.3428.qmail@hotmail.com>
I get this catalog from a company called TERN who makes cool
microcontrollers. The best one I have seen in there is based on a 40MHz
(!!) 16-bit processer manufactured by NEC (I think the name is V25).
There are a whole bunch of add-ons available from the company, and it
sez you can program it w/ C! An option for I/O would be hooking up a
dumb terminal for the stdin and stdout. They also sell a device to use
PCMCIA RAM flash cards, up to 64 MB!
I would consider this to be a good thing to make an ELKS for.
Jeff Hunt
Linux and Ska - The only things that matter.
My site - www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Bay/6646/
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