Re: TI-H: Why expander? Why compress? Use a FDD!
Re: TI-H: Why expander? Why compress? Use a FDD!
Larry Said:
>Actually, All modern era Macs use the PC standard for
>1.4MB , and possibly 720K, 3.5"FDD's We could use >the
existing standard OTHERWISE you would have to >manually put
games on disk from the calc! Not a fun >thing to do for
200+ games. You could load them on >your disk from the PC.
>~Larry C
That's not true. PC's use Fat 16, 32, or NTFS. Macs use the
Mac file system. They use the same disks but are not
compatable without special programs.
Michael Cook (website related) (general) (checked once per month)
--------------------------------------- (Main Site) (NetSmart Homepage)
I pledge allegiance to the compatibles of IBM, and to the
developers for which it stands, one platform, under Bill,
indestructible, with peripherals and multimedia for all.
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