RE: TI-H: Why expander? Why compress? Use a FDD!


RE: TI-H: Why expander? Why compress? Use a FDD!

Ok...heres he plan, If I find the webpage for this FDD for a Pison 
Palmtop, you get someone to buy the thing and make software. The FDD is 
hooked to a 2.5mm (I think?) stereo jack, the same as the calculator. If 
someone can do something with this then the prob is solved...The only 
prob is that it uses the Pison's plug and play, plug it 
in, turn it on, and it's under the C folder (yea...c:\ :) And emulating 
this protocal at a high speed (~11.5K) may be a problem.

>From: 	Michael Cook[]
>Sent: 	Saturday, January 17, 1998 8:29 PM
>To: 	TI-H
>Subject: 	TI-H: Why expander? Why compress? Use a FDD!
><<File: Michael Bryan Cook.vcf>>
>    Hello. We all want more mem for our calcs. But why
>should we use mem chips that have limited capacity? If we
>were to interface a 3.5" disk drive, we could carry around
>DISKS of games, and at ~6K each, that is over 225 games!

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