Re: TI-H: QuickCam
Re: TI-H: QuickCam
Concerning the Serial to paralell part-I saw a serial/paralell converter in the used parts section of a local computer store a couple weeks back. That could do it.
Christopher Kalos wrote:
> Well, yes and no. It's a great idea to work with, especially considering a quickcam interfaces via the parallel port. However, we'd still need to do a parallel/serial conversion, and take the grayscale data and most likely convert it to just black and white (1's and 0's, and that's it) The quality would suck unless we wrote a grayscale driver, and the maximum proven speed over the link port before data integrity starts to suck is roughly 50Kbps. While we can try to compress the video stream in real time, we'll probably need something a hell of a lot more powerful than an AVR (Intel MMX, Power PC, Alpha?) to do it right. And those components don't come cheap. If you want portable video, try to interface a small LCD to the quickcam and have the calculator control it via an AVR. The TI would be a control and interface system, and none of the real video data would ever reach it.
> Christopher Kalos
> Executive Director/Administrator
> Virtual Technologies Developer's Group
> ----------
> From: Jon Olson[]
> Sent: Saturday, January 17, 1998 12:38 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: TI-H: QuickCam
> Yah...i'd love to try the link port capable of handling enough
> bandwidth though? I know my parallel port has problems with it...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Grant Stockly <>
> To: <>
> Date: Saturday, January 17, 1998 1:19 AM
> Subject: TI-H: QuickCam
> >
> >Wouldn't it be cool to have a quickcam on a calculator? It could be done
> >once I get more AVR chips. Who wants to try with me?
> >
> >Grant
> >
> >
> >
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