Re: TI-H: Expander drivers...


Re: TI-H: Expander drivers...

Making a TI-Basic, driverless, expander would require a 8515 with extended
ram.  It would also requrie lots of work.  (.5-1 year)  You can't just send
a data stream with data to and from the AVR.  That is what the EuP does,
but it doesn't use the same data transfer structure.
Just the chip would be $20.  I'm making a deticated backup AVR, so if you
want backups, then I guess that would be what you want.


>I'm curious, how would a smaller program to load the driver be of any
>use? Chances are, if you lost your main driver, it was through a crash.
>Then everything would be gone. I would recomend a microcontroler
>programmed with an internam hardware driver that recognizes TI protocol.
>It should recognize the sequence of data when the TI-BASIC program
>"EXPANDER" is send via the standard link screen. You could type expander
>commands like Get, Send, Delete, Wipe, and DIR. It wouldn't matter what
>chips you used, as long as you had a powerful microcontroler. You would
>simply create a blank TI-BASIC document and then the first line would be
>a command and the second line would be an argument, such as a file name.
>You could type DIR and it would send the data to start a TI-BASIC file
>named DIR and place each file on the expander as a new line on the
>program, giving you a list of all the programs. You simply send the
>EXPANDER program, switch the calc to recieve mode, and press a button on
>the expander. You could probably just send files to the expander. Maybe
>you could even have backups stored. It would just store the data exactly
>as it recieves it. to send it back, you would create the TI-BASIC
>program EXPANDER and type get and then backup. you'd send the expander
>the TI-BASIC Program. You could then set the calc to recieve and just
>hit the expander's send button to start sending the backup. Hit continue
>on the calc and you have a memory backup. You wouldn't even realy need a
>driver at all on the calc! you could create an ASM driver that would be
>on the expander so you can recieve it with the TI-BASIC comand file
>after you recieve a backup. This would be an AWESOME expander. You could
>use under 100 bytes for the calculator driver, since it is only a 2 Line
>TI-BASIC program file. The DIR program file the expander sends could
>always be deleted. Imagine though! other ASM drivers have been as much
>as 4K! imaging saving 3.9 K!
>I really urge anyone with the skills for such a project to do it. If
>anyone has ever created a link program for the PC, they might be a good
>source of information or even might beable to do the hardware driver.
>This would be the best expander EVER because it would support backups
>and not even require a driver to opperate!
>Richard Piotter
>>I'm building an I2C Expander for the TI-86 (maybe for the 85 soon
>>but the 86 first). It will use I2C compatible chips ranging from 16K to
>>256K (up to 32KB. It can also be directly connected to a computer the
>>the parallel port (does not require parallel link).
>>I have completed the hardware and the computer link part. All that is
>>left now is to make a good user interface for the computer, and write
>>the calc interface software.
>>I think I should have 2 versions: the normal one, and a very tiny one
>>that just loads the complete driver off the Expander in case the driver
>>is accidentaly erased from the calc. (maybe it won't be too short, but
>>if you're stuck in school for the next few hours you could do that in
>>between classes - better than waiting till you get home!)
>>>Ok, there seem to be a lot of projects that come and go very quickly.
>>>BEcause of this, it has been very hard for me (anyone else?) to keep
>>>of what people are currently working on. So, could everyone please
>>>list of projects that THEY (themselves) are currently working on. I'm
>>>to avoid flooding the list with this, so please if you know someone
>>>working on something, and they're already on the list, let them tell
>>>about it. Don't take the liberty of doing it yourself. This way, we
>>>avoid a lot of duplicate posts.
>>>- Jon Olson
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