TI-H: New Port Design and TI-Calc Network


TI-H: New Port Design and TI-Calc Network


I have am writing this email to see if anybody has used the plans off of
ticalc.org to add a 3.5mm port to their calc. And if so, how much
success have you had.  I am the designer of the port and I would like
any feedback on it.

Also,  the ti-calc super network, could be done with a modified
GPS system.  All it would require is someone with a few extra sattelites
lying around the house and maybe a couple reusable Titan rockets :).

Really, I think that if TI-users could crack a deal w/ the Richochet
people or oher Point-to-Point radio comapanies, we would be able to
provide a valid Internet service.

Also,  How about just a news feed/weather feed/stock feeder for the
calc.  That would only require transmission on one end and recieve on
the other.

Michael Katz-Hyman