Re: TI-H: Stupid (very stupid) question


Re: TI-H: Stupid (very stupid) question

VAT=Variable Allocation Table
Analogous to the FAT (file allocation table) on your hard disk, this is a list
of entries on the TI calculators written backwards in RAM (read right to left)
starting at a certain address (different for each calc) and consisting of the
variable name, a number identifying its type, its starting adress, and the
number of letters in its name.  Hope this helps, any other questions?

Jon Olson wrote:

> I've been on the list for quite a while now, but there is one term i don't
> know the meaning of: VAT. I'm assuming that's an acronym, but for what? and
> if the meaning of the acronym is equally cryptic, couldja explain it too?
> Thanks.
> - Jon Olson
> --
> "Where are you?" "In the bathroom" "What are you doing?" "Staying here" -
> Douglas Adams, Life The Universe, and Everything

           ( o o )
 /  Jeremy Braun                 \
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[  (   )   Oooo. MHS, CCPSS       ]
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