TI-H: I2C routine stuff
TI-H: I2C routine stuff
Some news for my I2C routines aka TI-Bus:
1. The chat program is almost ready for a beta release - hopefully
tomorrow. I just have to fix some help screens and other easy stuff like
that. It takes about 4k of memory, so I thought I'd split the final version
into Pro and Lite versions to choose between. The Pro version would take
about 4k and have all the features (some of them quite useless, I admit)
and the Lite version might take some 2.5-3k. They're going to be
compatible, so you can choose the one you like best. I'll probably release
v0.99 of the routines at the same time - the code is complete but the
documentation needs some fixing.
2. I just said I'm going to name the system TI-Bus, but I heard TI might
not like the name and I might get in trouble (thanks to Grant Stockly for
pointing this out). I guess I need to select another name. How about MBus,
where M could stand for MultiCalc or MultiMaster. I don't know how it
sounds to native English speakers, so I'd like to hear comments by private
e-mail, I don't want to flood the list with such discussions.
3. Anyone interested in making a file (variable) transfer program to
transfer stuff between calculators? The TI protocol seems to work even with
more than two calcs are connected, provided no one uses the bus, but it
might still cause some trouble. I guess I should try to learn how variable
storage works on the 85, but for now I'll just ask other people to do it.
4. I just thought about connecting a digital Atari/Amiga/C64 style joystick
to the TI with a PCF8574. This probably isn't a new idea (I think someone
suggested it a while ago), but it wouldn't be that hard to build or
program. Maybe you could even make an interrupt driver to read the stick
and, from the game's point of view, press the corresponding keys on the
keyboard by putting the right bytes in the buffer. Anyone interested? It
shouldn't be that hard, but I wonder if there's any use for it...
*** Osma Suominen *** ozone@clinet.fi *** http://www.clinet.fi/~ozone ***