TI-H: unsubscribe


TI-H: unsubscribe


I am not realy unsubscribing.

I'm only taking this e-mail account off the list. All responses and TI-H 
stuf goes to richfiles1@hotmail.com.

This is my older account. It had an error and I made a new one. Hotmail 
never notified me at my new account address, as I requested, if they 
restored my files.

Just the other day I decided to see if it had been cleared, but to my 
suprise I had 1002 new messages, mostly from confused people wondering 
why they werent getting their e-mails answered and from the list. I have 
made a new life on my other account, So I am NOT leaving. I just don't 
want another 1000 mesages!!!   =)

my address is richfiles1@hotmail.com

Also, if you have info on the TI-85/86 LCD driver, interface, or 
protocol, let me know. If you know any of the same information for CASIO 
Color LCDs, let me know also. I want to connect a CASIO Color LCD to a 
TI calculator and make the first COLOR TI!!!. I'll need a way to convert 
the data, but any 8 shade grayscale program should work for testing it 
out. I need help on this one. PLEEEEEZE!!!

Richard Piotter

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
