

Goto the official SPinTerface page, The Richfiles.

It has all the info you need to know to build a SPinTerface port. There 
is a newer structure that is more compact and is entirely on the circuit 
board, but hasn't been posted. The old design uses a lot of super glue 
to glue pieces to the case. The new design is stronger (if built 
corectly) and is more compact. everything is mounted to the circuit 
board. You can even remove the board, SPinTerface and all, unlike the 
older version.

If you are interested in only Schematics, then it has all you need. You 
can build the older style one with the current instructions. I'm going 
to be doing a lot more work on it. I already have the new turbo page 
layout complete (though not all the content) and the power expansion and 
backlight pages are complete. The SPinTerface cartridge page will get an 
overhaul, making a general Cartridge info page and then a list of 
cartridges, each leading to it's own instructions page. This will 
alleviate loading time. I'm also going to update the SPinTerface page 
with newer pictures and instructions for the all on board versions of 
the SPinTerface (different for each calc though, so I have to wait for 
my other calcs to arrive (TI-80, 81, 83, and 92. I'll still have to buy 
an 86 or find a good deal). I have an 82 and 2 85's) I'm going to add 
instructions on building an internal speaker and a homemade viewscreen 
(It even lets you slide the case on the back)!!! I'll add new cartridges 
as well. The SPinTerface EuP will be released soon. I'll basicly have 
instructions on converting ANY expander/Extender into a cartridge. 
Because of Nintendo discontinuing the Virtual Boy line, I'll have to use 
a new case for the cartridges. I bought two styles of electrical outlets 
for replacing the ends on broken extension cords. They are thicker, but 
they will work fine. The EuP will actualy work very nice in one of the 

Basicly for ANY information on the SPinTerface port, go to the Richfiles 
TI page at

Don't use the java menu to navigate. It is not working and I need to 
figure out why. Scroll down and use the table. The whole page will soon 
be completely redone. It may even get it's own domain name 
( it all depends on how things work out.

I'm adding a massive list of links and other pages that I've collected 
for some time. They are all alphabetized (I think =) and there is no new 
icons or anything. It is a simple list. It's long, so I made it as 
stripped down as possible so it won't take years to load. It isn't up 
yet, but I have all the links in html now. It's ready to go up. I just 
have to do it. Most of them are from ticalc. I added some other ones, 
but their list is pretty long. You just have to do it by letter.

Richard Piotter

>Hi,  I was wondering if anyone had schematics,  and more info. about  
>Spinterface ports I've been hearing about.
>		Thanks,
>		-Aaron (

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