Re: TI-H: I2C LCD module with MBus


Re: TI-H: I2C LCD module with MBus

Grant Stockly wrote:

>>>What are your thoughts about limiting MBus to Usgard on the 85?
> Good idea.  The 85 has the fastest linking speed (yes...) of all 8x calcs
> in assembly.  For some unknown reason it is almost 1x faster than the 83
> (which is pretty fast).  Here are my results with the network:

Umm, what I meant was that on the 85, MBus would only support Usgard. On
the other 8x calcs, other shells could be supported. As there have been
very few people around who have said they could port the MBus routines
into the 82, 83 and 86, I have considered porting them myself. The problem
is that I don't own any of them (and don't want to buy one), so I can only
try to make it work. I've seen some emulators on, so they could
perhaps be used for testing.

But as I said in a previous message, MBus will NOT be limited to Usgard.
There are too many people who use other shells. I will still keep a ZShell
version of the routines, although it may be a bit limited compared to the
Usgard version. MChat doesn't need any of the Usgard features, so I'll
probably keep it as a ZShell program.

BTW, doesn't the 82 use a 4MHz CPU instead of the 6MHz one on the 85? That
would explain the speed difference between those two. I don't know about
the 83.


*** Osma Suominen *** *** ***
