Re: TI-H: I2C LCD module with MBus


Re: TI-H: I2C LCD module with MBus

Richard Piotter wrote:

> No Way!!! I don't use Usgard hardly ever. I use C-Shell primarily. I 
> wish Z-Shell could be updated to support Usgard Libraries, but I doubt 
> that'll happen anytime soon, if ever. MBus is cool, but it should not be 
> operating system specific. 

I see your point. Hmm, maybe the source code could be made generic and the
Usgard-specific extensions could be acticated with a #define...
The benefits of using Usgard with MBus would at least include:

- fast call's instead of slow CALL_() macros
- easy including of the routines into an application (with #fncall)
- shell level support for interrupt routines, and easy installing of more
  than one interrupt routine (e.g. MBus + grayscale)
- allows the MBus slave routines to be run without using graph mem

Those benefits are tempting, but I think you're right...MBus shouldn't be
limited to Usgard, because there are a lot of people who still use ZShell
or one of its "derivatives", like CShell.

Hmm, maybe one day we'll have a customizable MBus source file that works
with every 8x calc and every shell out there =)

(BTW. Where have all the 83 and 86 porters gone?)


*** Osma Suominen *** *** ***
