Re: TI-H: EL Panel


Re: TI-H: EL Panel

Um ... That you are an inconsiderate fucking ass-hole?
tell us the link to the panels or keep your mouth shut, this list is for 
shareing ideas, not seeing who can do what first and then not telling 
anyone else, or even makeing it some kind of game or amusement to make 
people spend their weekend searching for it. and so what if mel made you 
search... i also have an opinion about mel which i wont share..(but yes 
he is a nice guy.) ive sent 2 hours looking for the page and i cant find 
it. if i ever do i will post it for everyone though!
OK thats my 2 cents worth.(yes i am only worth 2 cents)

>Well, no...Guess what I've been hiding...  :)  I tried to hint it a few
>months back when I pointed out that there is enough room for an 
>Then I said how to make one and you guys still didn't catch on!
>>You're probably the first (or one of the first) people to install a
>>backlight on the calc!!! That's awesome!!!!!!
>>I can't wait to do my calcs, but I have 7 that work and one I need to
>>repair! That's a LOT of EL panels! I'll probably do my TI-86 first. 
>>of my TI-85's is ready for the upgrade already, and the other 85 only
>>needs the foam cut, My 81, 82, and 83 will be easy as well, and the 
>>foam is already cut! All already have the switch installed to turn it 
>>and off. My TI-92 is my only calc with NO upgrades! I simply never got
>>around to instaling the turbo and SPinTerface port. The EL backlight 
>>be a bit more dificult. I could not figure out how to remove the LCD! 
>>anyone has a broken TI-92, I NEEEEED to examine it to find out how to
>>SAFELY remove the LCD!
>>Richard Piotter
>>The Richfiles TI Page
>>P.S. I once was home from school sick, and I assembled a second TI-82,
>>but right when I was done, I dropped the screw driver, and it cracked
>>the COB (Chip On Board) on the plastic on the back of the screen! It
>>cracked, and the whole thing was ruined! You were lucky to drop the
>>screwdriver twice and it still runs!!!
>>>I DID IT!!! I got an EL panel in my calc!!  I absolutely HATE that =
>>>stupid foam backing.  I had to end up using a hacksaw blade to get it 
>>>out!  It took me close to two hours!  Has anyone ever dumped out all
>>the =
>>>key by accident?   I'll just say it's no fun!  Since I was doing this 
>>>late last night (as my computer was transferring my project to my
>>laptop =
>>>over a serial connection), I had time.  I scratched the inside 
>>>cover, and a little tiny one on the front of the LCD.  It works =
>>>perfectly, just a little messy.  On the back, I got all sorts of lint 
>>>and stuff stuck to it, and I think I scraped it a little.  Every 
>>>still works, but the display is dirty.  Does anyone know how to take 
>>>care of this?  I'm not sure whether to use scratch repairer or not.
>>Any =
>>>help would be great.  It was about 2 o'clock, I was sleepy (no sleep
>>the =
>>>night before either!), and dropped my screwdriver.  It hit the 
>>>went to the LCD, and knocked the LCD back on my carpet!  TWICE!!  I'm 
>>>glad it still works!  I'm getting ready to trade it for a 92, and the
>>EL =
>>>panel made it so I wouldn't have to pay any money.  PLEASE help me!
>>>   -Robert Brack
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