Re: TI-H: EL Backlight offer -- $10
Re: TI-H: EL Backlight offer -- $10
I would buy one.
>Greetings all!
>I don't know how many of you have been following the EL Panel thread,
>but I thought I'd go ahead and post all of the details in one message.
>I am offering electroluminecent lamps and inverters as a kit for
>adding a backlight to your calculator. Each lamp is $10 and each
>inverter is $15.
>The lamp color will be white. Each lamp will have solderable male
>crimp pins for power. The raw panels have uninsulated edges, and
>should not be installed without first insulating them. If you wish,
>I can do this for you. I can also attach the inverter to the lamp
>and encapsulate it with heat shrink tubing, but you will need to
>specify the length of leads you want (The DC input leads will be
>several inches long, you can trim them to length).
>The inverters are 5mm x 8mm x 5mm, and have 4 PCB mount pins for
>input and output. The input is 1.5 - 5 VDC, output is 70-80 VAC
>at 300-400 Hz. The inverter uses an external capacitor and inductor
>to set the voltage and frequency. I do not know at this time what
>the min and max ranges of the inverter, nor the component values
>needed to make those settings. There is no reason you need to use
>this particular inverter, you may supply your own if you wish.
>The lamps will put out about 5-6 foot lamberts with this inverter.
>Lower frequencies will decrease the brightness. Note that this
>inverter is designed to power only up to about 5 or 6 square inches
>of lamp, so if your lamp is much bigger, you may need to find a
>different inverter.
>My TI-85 has a 2.75" x 2" LCD, if you require a different size,
>please be sure to specify the precise measurements, I will let
>you know if it is too large.
>I can accept payment in cash, check, money order, or barter (with
>preapproval). I must have payment before I send the lamps. If your
>lamp or inverter does not work when you get it, you can send it back
>to me for a refund (minus shipping fees). I will verify that all
>inverters and lamps are functional (24 hour 'burn in') before I send
>them, so this shouldn't be a problem.
>To order, send me your name, address, how many lamps you want, the
>exact measurements of each lamp, how many inverters you want, how
>you want each lamp prepared (not at all, edges insulated, inverter
>attached, inverter heat-shrunk)), and of course, $10 for each lamp
>and $15 for each inverter (unless paying by barter, in which case,
>send the item(s) agreed to).
>Adjustable brightness lamps will require a variable cap installed
>on the inverter. If you want to install a variable cap, don't ask
>me to put on the heat shrink.
>If you want larger quantities (more than 3-4), please order in lots
>of 7, and specify color (White, Green, Blue-Green, or Blue).
>Don't send me any payment yet (you can't anyway, you don't have my
>address)! I must be able to sell 5-6 of these before I will get
>any. Let me know you are interested, and I will notify you when you
>need to send me payment. If you want to get them sooner, order two!
>If you have questions about size, installation, quantity or
>whatever, please send me e-mail (or post to the list, incase
>others have the same questions).
>David Knaack
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