Re: TI-H: Hello


Re: TI-H: Hello

To fix it, order another jack from or  Make
sure it is 2.5mm or 3/32 (i think).  Also, make sure it is stereo.  Replace

-Robert Brack

-----Original Message-----
From: C T X1WV1 <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, February 26, 1998 11:21 AM
Subject: TI-H: Hello

>I just wanted to let everyone know I have joined, and to ask a few
>I recently found that the brittle plastic in the linkport on my TI-92
>causing the contact for the first ring to be exposed, and to break off
>it was soldered to the board.  I am currently using a setup with a wire
>wrapped around the 2nd ring of my GraphLink cable and layed into the calc
>touch the old solder where the contact used to be.  I would appreciate any
>ideas on how to fix this.  (I don't want to have to send it back to TI, and
>don't even know if the warantee will cover probably won't.)
>I have been reading the archive of this list, and have noticed a few
>that I find interesting. One would be the network hub that...if memory
>serves...supports up to 128 connections, and can connect everything from Ti
>calcs to PCs, and anything in-between.  Another thing I would like to see
>finished soon would be the EII.  The other projects that seem interesting
>the IR link, and (if anyone decides to build it) the RF link.
>I am new to the world of TI Calcs and the world of hardware, but find both
>interesting, and have decided to pick up electronics as a hobby, if for
>nothing else, to build interesting attatchments for my 92.
>                                                      -Tom (C-T-X1WV1)