Re: TI-H: Drive-85
Re: TI-H: Drive-85
I forgot to tell you...You will need an interface chip between the calc and
the car to handle basic commands...I would help program that chip...
>I'm designing a robocar for the TI-85 to control, and would like to know:
>Would using a counter and de-multplexer and a 'thingy' be a good idea
>to turn the data coming out of the 85 into movement?
>What circuits could I use to turn the signals out of the de-multi into
>motor movement?
>(the 'thingy' mentioned above)
>Is writing the control program in BASIC a sound idea?
>Dave Goncalves
>p.s. Did I mention that the 85 was going to be in the driver's seat of
>the car, with
>a face on the LCD if possible.
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