Re: TI-H: Joystick connector


Re: TI-H: Joystick connector

Grant Stockly wrote:

> I think adding the joustock port is a good idea.  People drill holes for
> the spin face so I see no difference with this.  In fact, this was the way
> people used to connect joysticks to gameboys and real old computers.
> >>> then any key (whichever you solder the relay to) is pressed.  Pretty
> >simple.
> E-mail me and I will give you a tutor on transistors, the different kinds,
> and how to interface them.
> >>it presses the keys when it is moved. I think someone has already tested
> >>this, but I'm not sure.
> I did.  Got a free gameboy thing from some yard sale and cut it apart.  It
> is rubberbanded to the calc...

    I have the joystick from the gameboy taken apart into 5 or 6 pieces right
now lieing on my desk, I think it may have been called Handy Boy and one
time.  Anyway
How did you get it to stick without it falling off everytime you let go of
the stick.  By the way have you got the sound from the stereo speakers to
work with the "gameboy thing".

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