TI-H: EL panels - WARNING!
TI-H: EL panels - WARNING!
I talked to someone from
Lumitek International about EL panels. They sell for about $5 each for a
panel the size of a calc. The inverters are about the same price.
The inverters are half the size of a watch, they WILL fit inside a calc!
Someone said earlier that you can cut EL panels and they will still work.
Only big EL panels will work. If you try and cut one for a calc, the
person I talked to said that they had problems when they cut them that small
without special tools. He said that they left shards of glass that caused
the inverter not to work properly. If you cut it with scissors, inspect
the edges under a microscope to see if there are any little shards left
behind. This is the place I am ordering all of my EL stuff from, the
inverters are the size of 2 quarters! The address is www.us.net/quantex/el.htm Someone
mentioned this site earlier, thank a lot! I'll tell you guys how it works
when I get it. You can also buy sheets cut specifcally for buttons, just
cut out the white and replace w/EL. Like the new radios and dashboards in
Chrysler, Dodge, Ford, etc. I am going to try it, If anyone wants to
help. You can also buy almost any color you want, even
-Robert Brack