Re: TI-H: Joystick connector


Re: TI-H: Joystick connector

Directional joystick for now.  The stick is the hardest part anyways.  When
you move it, it turns 2 pots, 1 for X, 1 for Y.  That means there are 2
lines for 4 buttons.  My plan was to have 2 relays (or transistors if anyone
can show me how, everything I tried doesn's work) on each of these lines.  1
is a 5vdc coil, the other is a 3.8vdc.  The 3vdc is an SPDT.  When the stick
is one way, the voltage is 0.  When it is in the middle, it is about 4.8.
When it is the other way, it is just below 5 (all depending on the
calibration).  The calibration knob just rotates the whole pot.  So, you can
calibrate it to leave the buttons alone in the middle, and push 'em down
when you move it.  The buttons are a piece of cake.  0vdc when not pushed,
5vdc when pushed.  Simple!

I'll order some disks to get the touchpad.  Maybe we can work together to
get it to work.  If anyone has any questions about the joystick adapter, how
to do it, or line voltages and pin-out (not officially completed, but I can
easily tell you), just send me e-mail


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Piotter <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, February 12, 1998 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: TI-H: Joystick connector

>Go for it!!! Joysticks rule! Is it a positional or directional joystick.
>Positional measure exactly where the stick is and directional are like
>buttons, right, left, up, down...
>Another thought, Someone tried connecting an ADB mouse to the calc I
>think. Turned into a big argument though about chips. Oh well, anyway, I
>have an Alps Glidepoint track pad, like on a notebook, but in it's own
>little box and it plugs into a computer. It has Ground, 5v+, and two
>data lines, like the link port! The one I got was FREE from Mac Mall
>just for ordering. If we could get it to work, it's the same size as the
>LCD on a calc (hint, hint) and all you have to do is get a pack of disks
>and you have it free!
>Richard Piotter
>>I got a huge brainstorm in the middle of band the other day.  Since we
>>weren't playing, I got out a pad and started scribbling out an =
>>experimental schematic.  This is still preliminary, but I figured out a
>>way to interface a joystick to my calc (gamepads will be done a little
>>differently).  The first thing I did when I got home was pull apart my
>>joystick and use my DMM to measure voltage on everything.  I then fixed
>>my schematic.  I haven't built it yet, but I'd like some feed-back.  =
>>This should work with and game currently out.  I will be posting a =
>>finished schematic at within two weeks.  Tell me what you =
>>                   -Robert Brack
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