Re: TI-H: C9 from ti-86
Re: TI-H: C9 from ti-86
This is a little off the subject, but since we have the schematic of
the 85, is there anywhere to put a crystal to run at a faster speed?
---Richard Piotter <> wrote:
> Well, matybe that's true, but then what's the value to buy... huh.
> It isn't the same value of the TI-85's C9.
> Actualy, C9 is (I'm not certain though) probably near the bottom of
> board. This is by memory, so i may be wrong. I think it has
something to
> do with either linking or power filtering. If it's near the top of
> board, it's power filtering. If it is power filtering, it will
> actualy be OK without it, but you may get crashes when the batteries
> relly new or realy old, or if you link and stuff. If it's with the
> then you may have trouble linking very large files or maybe not even
> able to link at all. If it's power, it might be .1uf. Might be the
> if it's at the bottom center of the board. Like I said, I'm saying
> this from memory. So I might be wrong, but A true capacitance meter
> costs about $200! I can't aford that! A replacement may be a simple
> guess!
> >
> >
> >no thats not true at all.
> >why is he out of luck? you can buy a new cap for .10 cents or less
> >
> >
> >>it's C13
> >>
> >>C9 NEEDs to be put back, and if it's damaged, you're out of luck!!!
> >>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>C9 is what you remove from the ti-85 to accelerate it, you do not
> >>remove
> >>>the c9 from the 86. I don't know what the 86's c9 is for but I
> >>>suggest putting it back.
> >>>
> >>>Adam
> >>>
> >>>> Christopher James Poeton wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> I took out the c-9 from my ti-86.
> >>>> now I have trouble ploting a sin 2x graph it comes out as a
> diagonal
> >>>> line BL to TR of the screen.
> >>>
> >>
> >>
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