TI-H: Indiglo Backlight


TI-H: Indiglo Backlight

That's just what I've been saying! The inverters that can be purchased 
are designed for 12v car batteries and are made to run TVs and 
appliances. I'm not sure if you realize this, but EL panels don't use 
very much power. That was the selling point of the EL nightlights. Last 
years and years and years (like a LED) and they used like 2-4 cents of 
power a YEAR. If a 1.5v watch battery can do a square inch, then 5 
square inches (the calc) is no problem at all for the higher current, 
higher voltage AAAs! I intend to redesign the inverter to make it 
PERFECT for 4 AAA batteries and power a 5 square inch EL panel.

Right now, I'm holding a voltage doubling inverter in my hand now! It 
has 3 diodes, 2 resistors, a capacitor and a transistor, and a tiny 
transformer about 1 cm diamiterand 1/2 cm tall. It has DC out, but there 
are missing parts and an AC out, but it doesn't run without the parts I 
could add parts in till I got it to work, and then look for a bigger 
ttransformer, but i think getting an indoglo watch will be simpler. It 
will give me an EXACT design. I'll just need to get different valued 
parts so it works nice.

Richard Piotter

> I have an inverter designed to drive a large LCD pannel EL pannel
>except it runs on 12 volts, and its 3"inches long and 3/4" wide...
>(long and skinny) so maybee it could be reduced in size, but i think 
>will need a powerfull inverter for a calc lcd sized EL app.
>i dont think a wrist watch one would work
>althouh you could get the basic gist of it from that and then 
>use components of sufficient power ect.
>i will try to map it right now......ill get back to u latter.
>>From listown@towerguard.unix.edu.sollentuna.se Wed Feb 11 08:04:29 
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>>From: "Richard Piotter" <richfiles1@hotmail.com>
>>To: ti-hardware@lists.ticalc.org
>>Subject: Re: TI-H: Re: Indiglo Backlight
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>>Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 07:55:20 PST
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>>I mapped out the TI-85 schematic, so mapping out the schematic of the 
>>inverter in an indiglo watch should be a piece of cake! I may get an 
>>indiglo watch from K-mart when they go on sale, take it apart, and 
>>recreate the inverter. Then use a calc screen sized EL panel and see 
>>I can drive it off of 4 AAA batts and see how long it runs!
>>Simple job to do, just real fun putting everything together and 
>>Richard Piotter
>>>I got it as a gift, so I don't know the answer to either question, 
>>>I've seen more of them around.  Check out your local department 
>>> I'll ask around my dorm if anyone has one I'll find out where they
>>>got it.  
>>>I took it apart and the indiglo panel is about .5"x1.5", it has a
>>>small panel on each end that connects to the leads on the clock's
>>>---Richard Piotter <richfiles1@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Where'd you get it and what did it cost. I want to check this thing 
>>>> out!!! 
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >It's Indiglo from Timex.  The real thing, as near as I can tell. 
>>>> >Looks the same brightness throughout.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >---Richard Piotter <richfiles1@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> 
>>>> >> If it's the Radio Shack Travel Clock, well, I hate to but=rst 
>>>> >> bubble, but it's not Indiglo. It's realy crappy LED 
>>>> >Very 
>>>> >> few Clocks I've seen are indiglo. Is it very, very, very bright, 
>>>> >is 
>>>> >> it got brighter sides and a dimmer center. It's indiglo if the
>>>> >> screen is very bright and all the same brightness
>>>> >> 
>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >I've got an indigo clock that runs on one AAA battery.  The
>>>> >is
>>>> >> >only 2" x .5" but if you could find a bigger one, wouldn't that
>>>> >> >better than trying to get 120V AC?  (It might still be a drain 
>>>> the
>>>> >> >batteries though, because my clock only lights up for a few
>>>> >> >when you push a button, and you would want constant power to
>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >
>>>> >> >
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