Re: TI-H: screwed up ti86
Re: TI-H: screwed up ti86
Scratchthe green stuff and the white paint off the area of C13. If you
see a copper wire that's burned or broken, that's most likely it. solder
a wire between it. Another way is to find the pin on the processor that
connects to the broken pin of C13 and solder it to the resistor next to
it. Then solder the connection onto the wire. I do repairs as well, so
if you can't figure it out, I can take a look at it. Contact me via
private e-mail if you need help.
Richard Piotter
>maybe someone can help...
>i tried to accelerate my ti-86, now it won't turn on...
>i dont think i broke anything on the board like the bus, but i'm not
>sure....can anyone tell me where to look or give me some things to try
>to make the thing work again?????
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