Re: TI-H: Re: IR Link Status
Re: TI-H: Re: IR Link Status
I don't know much about hardware, and only a little bit more about software,
but it seems to me you guys are looking in all the wrong places. Think
about the internet, think about LAN's, think about even a simple four-player
Game Boy hoook-up. What do they all have in common? A server!!! Anything
from an SGI super-computer, to a simple chip the size of your thumb!
Everything requires an intercessor. You're all expecting to slap a piece of
IR hardware on the bottom of the calc, and the calc will handle the rest!
Wrong!! The hardware needs its own piece of programmed hardware, most
likely an AVR, which will interact with another piece of programmed
hardware, again an AVR. The second AVR would be the server. It would
handle transfers from all calcs "logged in." Each calc would send a request
(dial), and the server would check to see if it has room for one more. If
so, it returns an acknowledgement, and the calc proceeds to send log-in
information. This would simply be a nickname, and a location, most likely
in the form of calc@server. This would allow for discernment between
multiple servers in a single room. It wouldn't use any existing protocols,
since it would all be handled by AVR's, instead of the calc. Transfers
would be much faster, since the AVR's could run nothing but transfers,
un-interrupted by other software functions. It would make periodic
transfers to the calc, to handle things sent by the user. There would be
two different protocols: One for calc-server transfers, and one for
server-server transfers, so the two don't get confused. Each server would
be able to contain messages, working similarly to e-mail. Also, the log-in
would send a nickname, for interactive chats. The server would handle
mulitple users logged in, and could intervene in multiple-user chat
sessions. Since the AVR's on the calc would use the link port, it's
compatible with any calc, simply requiring new drivers. Any thoughts?