Re: TI-H: good thing for mem expander


Re: TI-H: good thing for mem expander

Michael Cook wrote:

> Basic stamps are expensive. They are designed to run robots
> (at least as far as I know). Some of them you have to build
> yourself. The only major thing I could see us doing is using
> the 2 pins on the link port to connect to 2 I/O pins on the
> stamp. That would leave at least 6 I/O pins for led flashers
> or what ever else. And we would be able to do more
> interesting things with the 6 pins than 2.

There's not much need for that, as the PCF8574 I2C chip gives us 8 I/O pins
instead of 2, and up to 16 of them can be easily connected to the same link
port. 128 I/O pins should be enough for anyone. And they're much cheaper
than $80 apiece.


*** Osma Suominen *** *** ***
