Re: TI-H: restatement of request and a nifty idea


Re: TI-H: restatement of request and a nifty idea

uhm...only if there happens to be a step-down transformer in the
nightlight...cause otherwise, it wants 120 v...regardless, it probably still
wants too much current for 4 measly AAA batteries

- Jon Olson

"Nobody will ever need more than 640k RAM!"
                           -- Bill Gates, 1981
"Windows 95 needs at least 8 MB RAM."
                           -- Bill Gates, 1996
"Nobody will ever need Windows 95."
                           -- logical conclusion

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, February 08, 1998 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: TI-H: restatement of request and a nifty idea

>i'm gonna pry one of mine to see the insides..  maybe they are easy to
>if anyone has a thing that you can plug an A/C appliance into batteries...
