TI-H: Re: Alternative to GB Emulation. EII MMODs with large TI ASM


TI-H: Re: Alternative to GB Emulation. EII MMODs with large TI ASM

Sor, but the SPinTerface is not a solution. It's only a "better" link 
port. It is nothing more than a link port with a power supply and a 
sturdier connector. It isn't the all purpose, fix everything, faster 
than hell port. I know way more about hardware than software, but I do 
know that the best way to run game boy games on the calc is to re write 
them from scratch. The hardware is too limited to emulate the game boy. 
It might be feasable to create EII MMODs to hold MASSIVE games and you 
just plug in a game cart, and then run a startup program on it and it 
would load the program piece by piece. This is the simplest solution. It 
isn't even worth the attempt to emulate the GB, since the hardware can't 
even come close to the GB.

Just a though!

Richard Piotter

>What if you could figure out a way to just plug in GameBoy cartreges?  
It would
>be tricky, but they have adapter thingies so that you can get the rom 
off of the
>pack onto the computer-what if you modified one of those to go into the
>calculator?  The link port would probably be to slow unless you did 
some pretty
>fancy programming, but what about the Spinterface?  Would that work for 
>Jeremy Braun wrote:
>> I believe (not sure, but this is my understanding of it) that the 
User Data
>> Archive is some kind of flash memory (or maybe regular RAM, but the 
>> makes a little more sense in this case I think) that the user can
>> send/retrieve files to/from.  From what I read about it, it'll be 
like an
>> internal, integrated expander....files won't be usable directly from 
it, but
>> they can be archived there.
>> This is just supposition, not neccesarily fact.  Ask TI.
>> Jeremy Braun
>> ryan pogge wrote:
>> > I turboed my 92 conservatively and it gets 2.5 times normal 
>> > thats 25Mhz,  it can theoreticly get close to 3X normal 
speed...thats 30
>> > Mhz.  so it *probably* has the speed. the plus modual will give us 
>> > and 380k of user data archive? anyone know what exactly that means?
>> > could it be used.. if so thats an additional 500k of space+ the 
>> > 60k. thats over 512k :)
>> >
>> > >you're right that it would (obviously) be slower on the calc. but 
if it
>> > >will "make a 25MHz Mac fly" then a turboed TI-92 with the plus 
>> > >might have enough speed and space. does anybody know exactly how 
fast a
>> > >turboed 92 will run?? and you don't need sound.... it's mostly 
>> > >crap anyway.
>> > >
>> >
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