Re: TI-H: Demolition Calc
Re: TI-H: Demolition Calc
-----Original Message-----
From: David Knaack <>
To: <>
Date: 18. joulukuuta 1998 3:07
Subject: Re: TI-H: Demolition Calc
>From: <>
>>In a message dated 12/17/98 6:23:36 PM !!!First Boot!!!,
>>> BTW, thermite in an inch long piece of drinking straw embeded
>>> in modeling clay would have a high chance of welding any two
>>> pieces of metal together (think 'locker doors'), and isn't that
>>> hard to make.
>>> Wouldnt' recommend it on non-stone floors tho, the stuff will
>>> burn through damn near anything. Might start a fire, and that
>>> just isn't a good practical joke.
>>> DK
>>in my opinion neither is anything that welds metal together either
>No, not in practice, I wouldn't actually recommend DOING it, but
>I alwasy thought it was kind of funny to consider. I mean, someone
>comes out to their locker, to find that it has been welded shut (instead
>of the typical super glue or ink on the lock knob).
>It's not practical, and would be a very stupid stunt. Very few people
>I have met would be smart enough to figure out how to make and
>ignite thermite (which is difficult to do), AND stupid enough to acutally
>use it anywhere other than a lab).
>Same goes for the remote bomb thing, I'd like to think that anyone
>with the smarts to put together a working radio circuit would be
>bright enough NOT to use it in such a way as to cause personal
>or property damange. Course, theres the unibomber, but thats
>an extreme case.
I could tell you how to do both, but I son't think that would be wise, since
you never know how'll get up and actually do it...
Markus Räty