Re: TI-H: Demolition Calc
Re: TI-H: Demolition Calc
ahh... I know Ethernet 802.3 incredibly well.
At 08:51 PM 12/20/98 -0900, you wrote:
>Okay. There are two types of people...:
>Techno Freaks: (Not the music)
>Know computers
>Could care less about the page, and care more about the server
>User Freaks: (Not drug absers)
>usually know close to nothing about computers. :)
>usually could care less about the server, and more about the page
>commonly found at places like AOL. :) (WEB TV)
>You fall into te Techno catagory...
>What realy bugs me is that there are millions of people on IRC who are
>'elite know it all's and have everything figured out. Know what I mean? :)
>You know the IRC format, and I know most all of the RFCs. :)
>I could recite the packet format for TCP, UDP, and IP off the top of my
>head. As well as Ethernet 802.3 :)
>>I've let people bash just about anything on this that I liked or found
>>interesting, but now you've gone to far. IRC is my livlihood. I've got
>>the whole damn protocol memorized. I know the format of a Y: line
>>without looking it up. I am the ultimate in IRC addicted slob. I'm
>>recoding the whole damn server from scratch with a friend of mine.
>>I LIVE for IRC, sure that shows what a pathetic excuse for a life i
>>have, but still, this is going to far. Ok, that's my $0.02 worth.
>>-- Jon Olson
>>On Sat, Dec 19, 1998 at 02:06:49PM -0700, Rosyna wrote:
>>> I'm pretty sure there is more than one IRC server and IRC is GAY
>>> At approximately 2:41 PM -0500 on the day Earth People call 12/19/98,
>>> you declared:
>>> > I forgot that the only IRC server for macs sucks ass... oh well... poor
>>> > macs... we should all just forget macOS and encourage Linux. Then maybe
>>> > Mac user will be able to say "my mac is better than your wintel!"
>>> > disagreement.
>>> ---
>>> I pledge allegiance to the Mac of Apple Computer Incorporated, and to
>>> the developers for which it stands, one platform, under Jobs,
>>> indestructible, with creativity and multimedia for all.
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