Re: TI-H: Demolition Calc
Re: TI-H: Demolition Calc
>Well, i don't know most of the RFC's by heart, but i know the SMTP
>protocol, POP3, IMAP, FTP, HTTP 1.1, TCP, IP, UDP, ICMP, and a few
>others that have slipped my mind at the moment. I'm afraid i don't
>know much about ethernet except how to make cables, and hook them up
>(well, not the hardware/protocol part at least). I'm more of a
>software and high-level protocol soft of person. After all, we're the
>people who make the software that users pay for :> (You can have the
>best 3d card in the world, but if no games support it, no one will buy
>it except the fraction of the population who write proprietary
Thats the good thing about a tool box OS. All a company has to do is write
a 500k driver and automatically all 3d apps work fine.
>Anyway, I also care about the end result of something. I'm
>one of those people who has to have the best of both worlds. Not only
>must my code be fast, decent looking, and easy to improve, but the
>program itself must look good from a user standpoint. I think of it as
>the kind of idealism that has all but died out in the modern computer
>world (thanks to companies like Microsoft who don't care how slow and
>crash prone it is as long as it looks pretty). Unfortunately, this
>also means I don't get much software development done, but haye, you
>win some, you lose some :>
>And yes, I agree that those who are on IRC and think they're ereet
no, 3133t :)
>know it alls are annoying. I much prefer those who think they're ereet
>know some, but there's always someone better and much room for
>improvement types. I fall into the latter catagory. Speaking of IRC,
>if any of you want to hunt me down, you can probably find me on
>SlashNET ( dwelling in #slashdot
Shlashdot can be gay at times.