Re: TI-H: Demolition Calc


Re: TI-H: Demolition Calc

IRCLE is not a server.

You were trying, but realy failed.

Who says ircle is the most famous?  A PC user?

>IRC client I meant... and the idea of hotline is IRC with a spike of a
>BBS... I was just trying to put down Mac's most pop IRC client (or at least
>from my stats), IRCLE.
>At 11:44 AM 12/19/98 -0900, you wrote:
>>There are tons of IRC servers for macs and they are good.
>>Hotline isn't an IRC server anyway...
>>Mac facts comming from PC people are quite interesting...
>>>I forgot that the only IRC server for macs sucks ass... oh well... poor
>>>macs... we should all just forget macOS and encourage Linux. Then maybe a
>>>Mac user will be able to say "my mac is better than your wintel!" without
>>>At 11:00 PM 12/18/98 -0700, you wrote:
>>>>You just angry that you can't enjoy it on the levels I can.
>>>>At approximately 11:23 PM -0500 on the day Earth People call
>>>>12/18/98, you declared:
>>>>> What is it with mac users and hotline? It is the GAYEST thing I've ever
>>>>> seen... I mean it is gayer than gay... it is almost as gay as those
>>>>> that sing YMCA.
>>>>I pledge allegiance to the Mac of Apple Computer Incorporated, and to
>>>>the developers for which it stands, one platform, under Jobs,
>>>>indestructible, with creativity and multimedia for all.

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