Re: TI-H: Demolition Calc
Re: TI-H: Demolition Calc
From: Grant Stockly <>
>>Not true actually, heavy encryption systems, such as long key length
>>public key encryption are safe, it is highly unlikely that any
>>has the computer power to crack them. This is one reason the government
>>is concerned about the ease with which people have access to industrial
>>strength encryption, they (currently) have no way to crack it. Note that
>>vary large cluster of fast machines could probably crack the best
>>in a matter of months, however, such cracking would be limited to the
>>highest priority messages, the time and money requred to crack messages
>>from the average Joe just isn't worth it.
>If the government has you on trial, and some evidence is in a safe, they
>will get the combination out of you somehow... Encryption is the same
More or less. If an encryption system is too strong to break all they
can do is put you prison until you tell them the pass phrase.
>>That depends entierly on the person, some of us would be willing
>>to go to prison on principle, even if the encrypted data was a recipe
>>for grandma's cookies.
>Why lock an empty paper bag in a safe?
Why not, it doesn't matter. If ones priciples are strong enough one
will resist what one considers unethical actions regardless of the
consquences. Naturally this depends on ones personaly philosophy,
some people are willing to die for what they believe is right, others
are content to allow violations of their own or others rights as long
as it doesn't cost them 'too much'.