Re: TI-H: Demolition Calc
Re: TI-H: Demolition Calc
>Not true actually, heavy encryption systems, such as long key length
>public key encryption are safe, it is highly unlikely that any organization
>has the computer power to crack them. This is one reason the government
>is concerned about the ease with which people have access to industrial
>strength encryption, they (currently) have no way to crack it. Note that a
>vary large cluster of fast machines could probably crack the best encryption
>in a matter of months, however, such cracking would be limited to the
>highest priority messages, the time and money requred to crack messages
>from the average Joe just isn't worth it.
If the government has you on trial, and some evidence is in a safe, they
will get the combination out of you somehow... Encryption is the same
>That depends entierly on the person, some of us would be willing
>to go to prison on principle, even if the encrypted data was a recipe
>for grandma's cookies.
Why lock an empty paper bag in a safe?