Re: Re(2): TI-H: mind vs. computer
Re: Re(2): TI-H: mind vs. computer
From: Dan <>
>Nah... you can't measure it.. cells die, and therefore memories die...
The neurons that you are born with are the same ones that you
die with. If they were to die regularly it is unlikely that we could
continue to function for very long.
I think that old memories probably fade away as newer memories
are stored nearby or on the same neurons. Recall that neurons
form many connections with other neurons, and respond differently
depending on the input the receive. Therefore, it is likely that they
are used to store multiple memories, responding with data from
different memories for different inputs. The training of these
neurons to respond in a particular way to a specific input would
fade with time, resulting in the gradual loss of the information.
Attempts to access the information would meet with partial success,
and consistant access to the information would likely retrain the
neuron to respond correctly. When a response pattern is to
far gone to recover its likely that the brain fills in data based
on the context of the other information, and occasionaly just
makes up things that seem plausable.