Re: Re(2): TI-H: mind vs. computer


Re: Re(2): TI-H: mind vs. computer

>From: (David Norelid)
>the human brain is one of the most robust and powerful thinking 
>there is. 

I would agree with this.  Eventually we will come up with
'machines' (synthetic beings) that think faster and better,
but that won't be for many years.

>of course, we can't match the speed of a computer when
>multiplying two 20-digit numbers, but thats what computers were 

Yep, although I read somewhere that if you were to arrange
human neurons into logic gates similar to what we use in
computers it could operate about a trillion times faster
than the silicon equivliant (this was about 5 years ago,
presumably the computer speeds have cut this margin somewhat).

>we were designed for thinking and comprehension. when i see a
>computer cry when it hears mozart, or understad picasso's political
>messages, then i can say that computers have outdone us. 

When computers are capable of comprehension and emotion, self
awareness and true cognition, they will no longer be computers,
they will be synthetic organisms, deserving of all the rights
and privledges we have.

>the human body as
>a machine is the most powerful even created.

I will assume you are comparing to machines we have created,
since there are many examples of greater strength, dexterity
and robustness in the animal kingdom.
We lack much in task oriented specialization, which we make
up for in versitality.

>our sight and image
>targeting/recognition system is absolutely nonpareil (pardon my 

Again, many animals (and machines) have vastly higher image
resolution.  I would not be suprised to learn that many
animals also have better pattern recognition abilities, but
most if not all lack the intelligence to appriciate it.

In the case of machines, the software pattern recognition
is simply not up to our abilities yet, and it will probaly
a few years before it is.

>we can move in any direction, travel over extremely bumpy and 
>terrain, we can scale vertical walls. 

All very impressive abilities compaired to the crude devices we
have designed.  Mostly due to a lack of intelligence in our
devices.  If our software had the intelligence, it would probably 
not be particularly difficult to build hardware that would match
or exceed our physical abilities (except perhaps in energy
efficency and healing).


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