Re: TI-H: Let's settle this thing once and for all
Re: TI-H: Let's settle this thing once and for all
OK whatever... same difference... it is artificial because man made it and
it is intelligent because it knows all of the broken links... happy? hehe!
At 08:11 AM 12/15/98 PST, you wrote:
>Someone stated:
>>What do you think a webcrawler is?
>A webcrawler, in basic form, is a pretty simple algo, I've
>written them myself. You just request a page, parse it
>for links, enter them in a tree, then follow them, repeating
>the process at each page you reach. Generally you search
>to a specified depth before moving back up the tree to follow
>another branch.
>AI, or expert systems use hugely complex rule systems to
>make decisions, sometimes based on simple logic, sometimes
>on more exotic systems like neural networks or other fuzzy
>logic systems. Using an expert system to look for broken
>links on a webpage would be silly (however, using one to
>classify what catagory the content of a page fits in would
>be a good application).
>>At 08:37 AM 12/14/98 PST, you wrote:
>>>>just that it would be simple to have an AI check for links that
>>>>do not exist and report them to the web master...
>>>By "AI" are you refering to Artifical Intellegence?
>>>If so, that would probably be overkill for the task, a simple
>>>web crawler type engine would be sufficent to check the site
>>>for broken links.
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