Re: TI-H: New Subject just for Grant


Re: TI-H: New Subject just for Grant

want one? here... e-mail me a password directly, and
i'll set it up as soon as i get yer mail

-- Jon

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, December 05, 1998 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: TI-H: New Subject just for Grant

>Hmm... I thought someone wrote a program for linux to let winmodems run
>under it... guess no.
>I'm being forced to leave this list until I get a POP account. Mail Excite
>> >I pledge allegiance to the Mac of Apple Computer Incorporated, and to
>> >the developers for which it stands, one platform, under Jobs,
>> >indestructible, with creativity and multimedia for all.
>> This is the kind of stuff that starts Mac/PC wars. Now that I have
>> about linux, mainly the fact it will run on a Mac, I have been turn away
>> from my total anti-mac ways of the past. Now I just dislike Macs running
>> OS. I have also turned even more anti-microsoft, but I do use it for all
>> internet applications due to the fact I only have a crappy Winmodem and
>> don't have any money for a new modem that will run under linux.
>> Wyatt
>You standing in line?
>You believing the lies?
>You bowing down to this flag?
>You've Got a Bullet in Your Head.
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