Re: TI-H: Re: Speedy Calc...
Re: TI-H: Re: Speedy Calc...
>In a message dated 12/3/98 7:00:58 PM Central Standard Time,
>> I think that PCs have a much wider
>> >selection of games, and I believe that PC 3D hardware is better. I do NOT
>> >think that Windows is a good OS, really I think it sucks. But it's like
>> >driving a golf cart around town so you can have a Dodge Viper for fun,
>> >If you have a Linux sys, you might be driving a Lexus to and from work,
>> >when you want to go on the autobahn, you're stuck with a golf cart. =)
>> i fail to completly understand your analogy. Linux is a lexus?
>> ...???? autobahn is games???
>Lessee here.... the Golf Cart you drive around town is Windows
>The Dodge Viper is PC Games
>The Lexus is Linux
>The golf cart on the autobahn is linux gaming
>Basically, what I wanted to say is that although the Windows OS is bad (golf
>cart), the games are good (Viper), and although the Linux OS is good (Lexus),
>the games are not so hot (golf cart).
I guess you havn't seen the games available for linux. Should I mention
quake? There are many others. Look in the back archives.
Try (or com...)
That is a 586 133 behind a SUNSparc10 (router/server) running linux and
playing quake. ITs also a quake server.
Its surprizing how a ~10 year old SUN can play quake fine.
Btw, the entire ISP is run on SUNs. Other than the 586
(jared's computer) and a few macs in the lobby they are all Suns.