Re: TI-H: Quality Education... MY TAX MONEY!


Re: TI-H: Quality Education... MY TAX MONEY!

Well...that's more than 10 times the number of people in my school. But i go
to a small, private, catholic high school. The idea of paying for school
doesn't go over well with the locals.

-- Jon

-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Stockly <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, December 03, 1998 1:27 AM
Subject: Re: TI-H: Quality Education... MY TAX MONEY!

>>Yeah, that same FAQ is scratched into the bathroom wall at my HS, slightly
>>different wording though...
>:) - Service the HS where I go has about 2,300 people.  Is that a lot oc
>people compared to the lower 48?