TI-H: Linking Converter


TI-H: Linking Converter

I had this idea when i was sending basic progs to an 86 from an 85, but
when i tried to get them back after a crash, i realized that i can't send
from an 86 to an 85, not even 85 basic programs. why? i dont know.
anyways, could an avr, or maybe it could be built into the e(g), be
programmed so that 1 calc would plug their calc in, select a dip switch
based on the calc they have, have another calc plug in, that calc selets a
dip switch, and the two calcs can exchange data. I would only be
interested in exchanging programs. I do realize that send a program from
an 86 to an 85 that has calls like DelVar(), a call which the 85 doesn't
support, would be impossible. What i'm saying is if a person could write a
prog on the 86 which is identicle the the code for an 85, and then just
transfer it. 

what the avr, or e(g), would have to do would be to first, ack the request
from the sending calc, then translate the protocoll from the sending calc
into the protocoll of the receiving end, then send the bytes to the other
calc. the avr would not be responsible for 'guessing' what kind of calc it
is, that's what the dips are for. the avr just has to translate the data
stream protocoll. would it be that easy? it would be a great addition to
the e(g). while we're on the subject, what features does the e(g)
(supposedly) have?

- up to 16 meg sram
- (e)ide interface
- ability to ftp to it
- web/telnet/shell account thing (justa thing to plug into the calc and a
modem to acheive greater usability than zTerm or rTerm)
- this link converter
- I2C support
- anything i missed?

David Norelid
Posse in effect, yo
ICQ: 3512251