Re: TI-H: Re: Speedy Calc...


Re: TI-H: Re: Speedy Calc...

From: Grant Stockly <>
>>>You don't get a real IP.  :)
>>That seems to vary actually.  Sometimes AOL addresss appear to be behind
>>a firewall of some sort and sometimes they don't, anyone have more info
>>on how they are set up?
>>I have done direct TCP/IP connections on nonstandard ports to AOL users
>>computers, but it doesn't work with all AOL users, may have something
>>to do with their network setup tho, instead of AOL's setup.
>That sounds like their configuration settings are up the wall...

You don't sound suprised.
I don't know how their address translation works, but its there and seems
to work pretty well.  Anybody want to sign on and tell us what IP your AOL
adapter is assigned?

Its not a proxy, cuz you can ping any valid machine, and you can direct
connect on any port you want.  I don't know much about NAT and Masq,
anybody else?

