Re: TI-H: (~OT)mp3s
Re: TI-H: (~OT)mp3s
In a message dated 12/2/98 6:44:04 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
> Kjofol is much better...
> Fastest mp3 player out there...
> >Ok...there's an MP3 player for windows that uses them, hold on for a few
> >minutes while i look up the name...
> >Sonique i believe, which gets a 5/5 on It Looks SERRIOUSLY
> >cool...check out for info, and if you've got windows, i
> >recommend downloading it.
Before crucifying me, remember I am not Bill Gates... but, honest to God, for
me the Windows Media Player plays MP3s better (with less slowdown and
skipping) than WinAMP. Sure, the interface isn't as pretty, but, in my
opinion some of the stuff with MP3 players is kind of a waste. Besides, why
have two pieces of software when one works better? (BTW, for reference, I
have a P100 w/16 MB RAM, so for those of you with P IIs, this probably won't
work as well.)
Rob Hornick
Rob Hornick