I'm not talking about what the PIC can do, I'm talking about what the Calc
can't do. You need to read the mail more correctly.
The AVR is, and if you knew anything about them, the processor that people
are using these days. PICs are good, but more expensive. I know a ton
about PICs fyi, I started out on them and made an ethernet controler with
PING for one
I know my stuff... So go look at Sparcs at They are only
about $300.
>Watch it Grant... you are becoming as ignorant as I am sometimes. Obviously
>you know NOTHING about the PIC. At least I admitted to not knowing anything
>about the AVR, instead of going around comparing prices and MIPS and shit.
>First, since there are a TON of PIC models, they range in price... second,
>if you think $7 is too much for a PIC, thats too bad. I doubt you will be
>buying a whole lot of them anyway, so price really isn't a concern. PIC's
>such as the xxF80 are 10MHz with 1K of memory. As for projects, you are
>SERIOUSLY ignorant saying "oh wow, are we gonna see other people flash
>lights?"... there are TONS of projects in many lists. One list I saw had
>over 100 sites of people who make projects for their PIC, and I'll guarantee
>you that many of those people have worked on multiple projects. They aren't
>cheesy either. Most of them are VERY intriguing which is why the PIC came to
>my attention.
>> >Not really... unless you want to experiment with other peoples projects,
>> >then the calc is the way to go to begin learning to program. It gives a
>> >basic understanding of how to deal with IO situations like the stack,
>> >display, keys, and the i/o port. Once you understand the basics of that,
>> >then maybe you can move on.
>> It doesn't give you any understanding how to use the LCD or I/O ports!
>> lets you use its junk.
>> Tell me how calling routines in ROM is learning how to use LCDs. Not at
>> Who's projects? Wow, lets flash a light or do some other thing thats
>> completely pointless...
>> Grant
>> >> >I am not sure about the AVR, but the PIC has a TON of info, inlcuding
>> >> >premade projects (kewl ones I might add) and plans to build the PIC
>> >> >burner... I'd probably start out with Z80 (via a TI calc.), then go
>> >to
>> >> >PIC/AVR... although I don't know much about the AVR, so shoot me (no
>> >flames,
>> >> >it is the law of the list! :)...
>> >>
>> >> The AVR costs less an is faster than the PIC. PIC, CISC. 33MHz -
>> >> 8.01MIPS. AVR, RISC. 8MHz - 8MIPS.
>> >>
>> >> Grant
>> >>
>> >> Its a ton easier to just trash the calc. You can't learn about
>> >> programming on an embedded device made for doing math...
>> >
>> >-dan
>> >
>> >You standing in line?
>> >You believing the lies?
>> >You bowing down to this flag?
>> >You've Got a Bullet in Your Head.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
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