Re: RE: TI-H: Re: Speedy Calc...
Re: RE: TI-H: Re: Speedy Calc...
They crash more than windows though, if that can be imagined.
-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Stockly <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, December 01, 1998 9:09 PM
Subject: Re: RE: TI-H: Re: Speedy Calc...
>>When the hell are they going to release the new AmigaOS? I have heard good
>>things about Amigas, but I haven't had a chance to try their new OS..
>A 50MHz Amiga edits video better than 400MHz IBM/PCs and Macs. its a fact
>that the Amiga OS is tighter than, well, what I was going to say would be
>better for another list. :)