

>The AVR is better, I am afraid.  First of all its RISC, so its a hell of a
>lot easier to program.  (I am wiriting this on win95 machine, which is also
>running linux.  its a Cyrix 6x86 166Mhz)  CISC and RISC both have
>advantages, but intel screwed up.  now, i hate the macs, the ppc, etc.  but
>not because of ther processor.  there processor is wonderful.

Ummm...  :)  The PPC is the processor.

>back the major point.  the avrs are almost all under $10.  there are ones
>at up to 20Mhz, im pretty sure.  Some have over 8K of flash program space.
>they can access external ram as well.

The 16F84 at $7 is comparable to the 1200 at $2.50, except the 1200 is up
to 12MIPS and the 16F84 is at a max of ~2.4MIPS.

And you can compare MIPS in this case since their instruction sets have
almost the same timing.

>and as the for the number of projhects for the PIC, some ppl dont care
>about the projects other ppl have done.  they would rather invent some
>themselves.  They may want to see how far their own brain can take them,
>rather than see if they can solder correclty all the pieces onto a board.

Right...but some projects like driving a monitor with a PIC, a 33MHz PIC at
nearly $25 did it for me, but so did an AVR for $5.  The PIC would do 8
fps, but there was hardly any space left over to do anything else.

I used to be a die hard PIC guy, just like Bryan Rittmeyer and Mel Tsai,
but they (like I) switched to the AVR because it is all arround better for
new projects.

This e-mail he sent is kinda funny...  Just like that guy who thought he
knew everything about my mp3 player...  You know nothing about me, and fyi
under tight code a PIC at 20MHz was getting 1.5 second ping times over
ethernet.  Now my little 10.001MHz AVR gets 700nsec.  Better for ethernet.
Thats when doing a instruction for instruction port.

Join some of my microcontroller mailing lists, learn about my
involvement/accomplishments, then send mail.  But I think you wouldn't find
a reason to mail.

>>Watch it Grant... you are becoming as ignorant as I am sometimes. Obviously
>>you know NOTHING about the PIC. At least I admitted to not knowing anything
>>about the AVR, instead of going around comparing prices and MIPS and shit.
>>First, since there are a TON of PIC models, they range in price... second,
>>if you think $7 is too much for a PIC, thats too bad. I doubt you will be
>&guch for a PIC, thats too bad. I doubt you will be
>>buying a whole lot of them anyway, so price really isn't a concern. PIC's
>>such as the xxF80 are 10MHz with 1K of memory. As for projects, you are
>>SERIOUSLY ignorant saying "oh wow, are we gonna see other people flash
>>lights?"... there are TONS of projects in many lists. One list I saw had
>>over 100 sites of people who make projects for their PIC, and I'll guarantee
>>you that many of those people have worked on multiple projects. They aren't
>>cheesy either. Most of them are VERY intriguing which is why the PIC came to
>>my attention.
