Re: RE: TI-H: Re: Speedy Calc...

>I'm sorry, I never refered to YOU as a Mac freak. I was referring to that
>Rhajaja person or whoever.

Sorry dude.  :(

>Once again, I am not an EE. So your schematics are worthless to me, and many
>others, if they aren't completed...

They are completed, and its not something you should do unless you
understand them.  There are many people who have built them, and are on the
dev team.

>just take a look at the mp3 portable
>newsgroup list on your BBS. All of those people are wondering how they can
>get complete schematics when all they can do is use a soldering iron.

Yes.  And they e-mail me saying "I'm in 6/7th grade and I know nothing
about electroncis.  Will you make one for me?".

I'm not in the 'Make a kit, user screwes up $100 kit and expects a money
return.'.  And I can't offer prebuilt ones since I have to make atleast
1,000 at a time.

I'm almost done with parts list, PCB, and other things to widen the scope
of users and experience.  It takes time, which I don't have very much of...

